Chic Clicks: Creativity & Commerce in Contemporary Fashion Photo

39 € VB

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Ich verkaufe das neuwertige Buch „Chick Clicks“. In diesem Zustand kaum zu finden.
- Herausgeber: Hatje Cantz Publishers (15. April 2002)
- Sprache: Englisch
- Gebundene Ausgabe: 320 Seiten
- 30 x 23,5 cm, 2,5 kg
- ISBN-10: ‎ 377571135X
- ISBN-13: ‎978-3775711357
"Chic Clicks invited some 40 photographers to present both their free work and their published editorials from fashion magazines and advertising campaigns. Photographers well-known for their commercial work offer personal and exploratory prints; those who gained prominence in the fine arts display work they were subsequently hired to do for fashion companies and magazines. Accompanying essays approach fashion photography from various perspectives, from that of cutting-edge fashion magazines to the field of contemporary art photography." Editor's text.

Bitte vergleichen Sie die Fotos, die das Buch zeigen und die Bestandteil der Angebotsbeschreibung sind. Ich schließe jegliche Sachmangelhaftung aus.

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